Masterclock Keeps You In Sync:
Masterclock engineers and builds precise timing and synchronization systems
Masterclock's time synchronization devices do everything from ensuring smooth programming transitions for broadcasting studios to helping astronauts with timely liftoffs.
Since 1994, Masterclock's product portfolio, time servers, count controllers, digital displays, analog clocks, and PC cards has been trusted to support mission critical applications. Masterclock constantly improve production methods and focus engineering talents toward custom solutions utilizing cutting-edge technologies.
With practical experience and extensive knowledge of timing technology, Masterclock can develop an appropriate timing system for any application.
All Masterclock devices are designed in a robust metal case. A commercial-grade metal housing improves shock and vibration performance while preventing electromagnetic interference. This keeps nearby devices from interfering with clock performance as well preventing the electrical signals within the clock from compromising the performance of
other electrical products.
Masterclock analog clocks only use metal movements. After extensive testing, the life of plastic movements is on average two years, which is unacceptable for a commercial grade product. Masterclock digital clocks use Light Emitting Diodes (LED). LEDs offer a life that is hundreds of times greater than LCDs and have larger viewing angles, wider temperature ranges, better shock and vibration performance, improved sunlight readability and do not require back-lighting.
Masterclock is Quality
Commercial-grade components are specified and tested extensively. While more expensive, a product made with commercial-grade parts provides a more reliable product with a longer service life. Masterclock has committed to this philosophy of quality since 1994.
Master Clocks
NTP Servers
Time Code Generators
Multi-Color Clocks
Time Zone Clocks
Digital Clocks
Digital-Analog Clocks
Count Controller
Dual-Channel Production Timer
Distribution Amplifiers
PC Cards
Sequence of Events Recorders
Time Code Switcher