Since developing a color science department for its True Match tubes in the 1980's, Kine Flo has been at the forefront
of LED design and manufacturing, creating a color correct, color stable Iine of tungsten and daylight LED emitters.
The company has maintained color quality for more than three decades across all product models. From film to digital cinema cameras, to other color critical industries such as smart phone calibration and art restoration studios, Kino Flo
is recognized for unrivaled color management.
From blockbuster franchise movies in Hollywood to emerging production centers around the world-such as Atlanta, Eastern Europe and China-Kine Flo lighting has played a starring role in production lighting for the motion picture, television, 1V broadcast, and photography communities.
Kino Flo has earned an Academy Award for technical achievement and continues to advance the art and science of
soft Iighting with a ground-breaking family of LED based lighting systems.
Kine Flo lighting systems, especially the world famous 4Bank System, can be dismantled and assembled quickly to
adapt to changing production challenges. The four basic components, a ballast, head cable (25ft), modular fixture
head, and removable mounting system have been advanced with LED technology. Kino Flo has developed a line of
LED portable systems with the same award-winning elements as the 4Bank, but with Kino Flo designed LEDs and
Kine Flo programmed light controllers.
In 2019, Kino Flo makes another leap forward in color management firmware and color rendering. The company is pioneering a new generation of LED softlights that include camera look-up tables for harmonizing True Match firmware that are pushing the color space to new artistic levels. Like the great European art masters of old, cinematographers
can select and mix their own LED "pigments" to control the look of their image.
Gaffers and set lighting technicians enjoy a growing collection of premium softlight "brushes", like the new FreeStyle
LED Tubes, to paint spaces and feces with white light, color and effects. Kino Flo has been expanding its wireless OMX production lighting, moving beyond its legacy fixtures with new FreeStyle LED portable systems, adding new designs
for the Celeb LEDs, debuting a value line of Image LED studio fixtures, and expanding options for video lighting with
new Diva-Lite LEDs.